Introducing Tabs: A New Way to Organize Your OpenWidget

2 min. readlast update: 07.04.2024

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We just rolled out a new visual enhancement that allows you to organize your OpenWidget in a much better and more convenient way: Tabs. From now on, all of your OpenWidget features are grouped into three categories: Home, Contact, and Help. And the best part is, you don't have to change anything for it to work. 

🏠 Home

The Home tab is a place where your customers get the most important information upfront. Depending on what feature set you've enabled, here they will find the option to chat with your OpenAI Assistant or a Support Hero via a LiveChat integration, or a quick link that will redirect them to a Contact tab where they can use one of our available forms. 

Home is also a place for features like FAQ, Product Recommendations, Google Reviews, Instagram, and Visitor Counter.

💬 Contact

The Contact tab gathers all of the contact features available at OpenWidget: our contact, bug report, and feedback forms. This is also a place for the social integrations that we offer: the integration with Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp.

And if you're using one of our chat features, the OpenAI Assistant or LiveChat integration, the Contact tab will gather them here as well.


If your FAQ consists of more than three questions, OpenWidget will automatically create a dedicated place where your customers can get the answers to the most common questions: the Help tab. And if the answer that they are looking for is not there, they can send you an email with a question without the need to leave the Help tab.

💡 Tell us what you think!

We hope that you like the new Tabs! As always, we're here to support you every step of the way and listen to your feedback, so don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions – you can do that anytime within the OpenWidget app.

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