Weebly (Square.online): add OpenWidget to your Weebly website!

2 min. readlast update: 10.17.2023

Weebly allows you to create a beautiful website in a few simple steps and manage your e-commerce and marketing in one place. And with OpenWidget, all of that can be enhanced by a selection of carefully crafted features like:

  • a Contact Form, giving your customers the option to reach out to you whenever the need arises;
  • a dedicated Frequently Asked Questions view, perfect for a self-help space;
  • and beautifully designed Product Cards to promote your best products and current sales.

Add OpenWidget to your Weebly (Square.online) website

  • First, log in to your Weebly admin panel.
  • From the left menu, choose Settings.
  • Now, go to the Tracking Tools section.
  • Click on the Add new code button next to the Add custom header code section.
  • You should see a pop-up screen where you can now add your OpenWidget code.

You're about to create a new script and you need to configure a few things to do that. Don't worry, though! We will guide you through the entire process below.

  • As a first step, provide the Name of the script you're about to install. You can choose something like OpenWidget and later on, if you have several scripts added to your page, it'll allow you to differentiate which script is responsible for what action.
  • In the Custom Code section, paste your OpenWidget snippet copied from the OpenWidget's Add to website section.
  • Last but not least, Weebly will ask you where you would like to place our code. Select End of <body> from the list of available options.
  • And that's it! Don't forget to apply the changes by clicking on the Save button, and you are good to go.

With OpenWidget added to your website, you can now offer a better Customer Experience. Boost up your sales by promoting your products and ensuring that none of your customers' questions will go unanswered.

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