Promote your products

2 min. readlast update: 10.17.2023

One of the best ways to increase your revenue is to get more views of your products or services. To do that, we'd like to introduce our beautifully designed and easy-to-configure Product Cards! How do you set them up? 

  1. Copy the link to a product or service you offer in your store and paste it right under the Create card from link label.
  2. Click on the Create button.

And that's it! You should end up with a ready-made Product Card, including the following aspects:

  • your product's title;
  • subtitle;
  • link to your product, to which a customer will be redirected after clicking on the Show button;
  • image representing your product;
  • your current and old price, the latter one allowing you to highlight the ongoing sale;
  • promo badge, allowing you to convey additional information about the product itself.

There are two crucial things that you need to remember:

  1. Not all website pages are built using the same technologies, that's why sometimes we may not get the most accurate data (or any data at all 😥). 
  2. You can create up to six Product Cards and edit all the info gathered by our system automatically.

If OpenWidget could not gather the data automatically, don't worry! We have thought about it; in such case, the card will still be created and ready for you to provide all the necessary information. Just click on the Edit button, and feel free to edit!

Once you are done with the configuration, proceed to the next section, and Product Cards will be automatically applied to your widget.

Configure OpenWidget's theme in the Customize style section

Don't have an OpenWidget account yet? Don't worry! We prepared a dedicated article that will guide you through the entire process. Click here to check it out!
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